Monday, October 1, 2012

Monday, Monday

Back to school we went today after a glorious 9 days off.  When I informed Lan that he had to go to school today he stated that No he didn't, he had already been! (Same sentiment every night when it is bath time, he has already had one.) Oh my little Lan man if only we could do 8 weeks of school and be geniuses how awesome that would be. Of course then mommy would be out of a job! :)

The Army is frustrating me beyond measure right now.  They have decided my hubby shouldn't get his paycheck, and that no one should tell him anything. UGH!! Oh they also say we owe them money, WHAT?!  Since the hubby is Natl Guard and is not exactly attached to a unit due to schooling he really does not have a chain of command to go up.  I am tired of them giving us the run around and no one seeming to know what the other one is doing.  I am TIRED OF DEALING WITH THIS!!!!  Ok, I feel better now, ha!

On the anxiety front things are better.  Dr. changed dosage of my meds and hoping that will help.  Was confronted with some stressful situations this morning, and though I was shaken I was able to hold it together. YAY!

Cheers to a great Tuesday!


1 comment:

  1. Wow! I hope the paycheck situation gets figured out, that is really frustrating!
