Thursday, September 27, 2012

Anxiety you are not my friend...

The majority of my life I have battled anxiety and panic.  Medication usually helps it, but has never taken it completely away.  Over the last few months I have had more and more panic type attacks, and they are making me CRAZY!!  I had them all night before we left for Disney and had a sense of anxiousness the entire time we were there.  I fought through it, and had fun for the kids sake.  I don't ever want to let my anxiety get in the way of them having fun or enjoying their childhood.  I just wish that one day soon I will be back to my "normal" and able to function without that nagging sense of anxiety gnawing at me.  Until then I will just dig deep and go on the best I can.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Disney 2012

Here are some photos of our Disney trip.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

The truth about education...

A blueberry farmer goes to a school to do a presentation about productivity. The first part of his speech he was talking about how his company only uses the best blueberries to make his companies jams and jellies. He was immediately interrupted by a teacher that asked him, “What does your company do with the blueberries that don’t make the grade?” He replied, “We just throw them away.” “Well”, she said. “That really isn’t an option for us.” 

Teachers don’t have the option of picking and choosing the best “berry” all the time. We take what we’re given and we do the best we can!

Please take the time to stop and tell a teacher how much you appreciate what they’ve done for you or for your child. Just that little sign of appreciate can make thier day worth getting up for!!